Friday, July 30, 2004


Okay, okay...I couldn't take it anymore. I needed a place to say a few things. Perhaps it will make some sense once I get warmed up to this?

What happened last night during Kerry's speech? I noticed him saying a few things that didn't make any sense. It reminded me of how my mother spoke after she had a STROKE. What is a menator? I swear I heard him say; "Senators and Menators"...I think he was going to say; "Members of Congress?" I see that others caught that "hair pollution comment, too. I thought I was going to fall over when I heard that one.

Yeah, I mean, I can understand the pressure of this "most important speech of Kerry's political career," but...maybe intead of spending 30 minutes a day writing it, it should have spent 30 extra minutes a day reading it aloud to an audience. Maybe that hamster, Licorice is still alive? He could, at least, have read to him/her?

What is going on with this...missing out on mentioning Kerry's ex-wife and how he ANNULED that marriage?! I don't even consider myself more than a moderate sort of person and this even perplexed (okay, pissed me off) me! Did you see that movie? It says how he was a newlywed in Congress...then all of a sudden...he's married again. Oops. Forgot to mention what happened? I think not.

Stay tuned...